Engineering Supplies is a family owned West Australian business that has been heavily involved in the West Australian community for over 50 years. Here at Engineering Supplies, we take every opportunity to give anything back to the community that has supplied us with the utmost hospitality since day one.

Thank you WA!

Our involvement in the community is our way of saying thank you Australia, and thank you WA!

Rottnest Channel Swim

Engineering Supplies has been proudly involved in a number of charity run events such as the Rottnest Channel Swim, entering a team each year with some more than positive results.

In 2010 Engineering Supplies entered a Duo in which they finished 20th overall and 2nd in their category (28+) with a time of 5:51:42.

Take Two!

In 2012 Engineering Supplies entered the same Duo which improved on their previous effort to finish 17th overall and 3rd in their Category with a time of 5:18:41!

Engineering Supplies also entered a first-time four man team which finished 278th overall and 30th in their category (56+) with a time of 6:48:59.

Go Bulldogs!

Engineering Supplies is heavily involved in Regional Western Australia and as a result provides a lot of support towards the Country Football, being major sponsors of the Jurien Bay Bulldogs. GO BULLDOGS!

Great causes we believe in

Engineering Supplies also makes regular contributions to The Amanda Young Foundation and the Variety Bash WA, as well as a sizeable donation towards the Victoria Bushfire Appeal. All great causes that Engineering Supplies holds a firm belief in.